WiBright|CRM+ privacy first!
WiBright|CRM+ is a privacy first service which means that we only collect and store data that is fundamentally necessary for service operation and security, or required to collect by the law. Users' personal data (e.g. the data that service users store in WiBright services, like invoices, products, clients etc.) is kept 100% private and strictly is not parsed, analyzed, aggregated or scanned in any manner known or unknown.
No tracking or targeted advertising software is utilized on WiBright services. No assets are loaded from 3-rd party servers.
How are cookies used on WiBright|CRM+ service?
WiBright uses only "first party" cookies - only installed by and visible to WiBright services. The main webpage at installs one cookie to identify a user who signs in (up) to or purchases WiBright|CRM+ services.
With common broser settings, this cookie is deleted when a user signs out or closes the browser.
When a user has entered web pages from a promotional affiliate's link, (e.g.[affiliate_name] ) one cookie is installed for up 30 days to store [affiliate_name].
Each server a user enters, sets a cookie to identify the user. Integrations to external services (file storage to Onedrive or Google Drive etc.), when used, may each set a cookie to store credential tokens.
What data is collected
When requesting resources on the following information is appended to the server log:
Request ip address, http response code, request duration, time, method, url and protocol, response length.
Here is an example row of the server log: | 200 | 6 | [30/Jun/2023:09:52:21 +0300] | "GET /es/lobby HTTP/2.0" | 4314
View the privacy policy

WiBright has a minimal environmental footprint because our software and organization run at the highest levels of efficiency. No greenwashing - we are probably the least environmentally intruding CRM on the planet.

Ease of use
With a short learning curve - WiBright is simple and quickly mastered. The best place to start Your enterprise. There is nothing quite like it.